Saturday, July 21, 2018

Eating out

Full confession here.

For the last few months we have had a lot going on.  Family situations, moving, work - it's been hectic. We sort of fell off the wagon in terms of tracking our spending and such.

And our wallets felt it!

So we decided to take a look at what we have been spending as a couple...and we noticed...we've been eating out...a lot.

Both of us had been buying lunch at work, then eating out thre or four times a week - let's just say, this added up. Waaaaay up.

Not to mention, we realized all this eating out not only drained our wallet, it increased our waistline!

But what are two over-tired people to do?

Well, we formed a team, a mighty team of two.

We banded together and declared Sunday - meal prep day.

We made food to last us (and the kids) for lunch and dinner through Sunday.  And made a cheese plate to feel fancy while we meal prepped (see below).

He grilled chicken and burgers and I chopped veggies and made eight salads (to get us from Monday - Thursday).  I also bagged snacks - like crackers.

And the week was so much less stressful that we didn't have to out to eat.

 The only problem was I felt like we saved so much money, I wanted to spend it all...

I decided to combat that feeling by setting a goal in my head - to save until...we reached 20% more than our weekly grocery budget.

And the race is on...

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